Photo Galleries Coming

When we started putting together this website to support our upcoming 11/23/10 U.S. DVD and digital release of the complete Space Precinct TV series, we weren't quite sure what assets we'd be able to find. After all, the series was shot in 1994-95, before digital cameras had come into common use and cell phones were in their infancy (i.e. nowhere close to having a built-in camera feature.)
We were weighing our content options, when we had to good fortune to make the acquaintance of Ralph Titterton--a fan & friend of Gerry Anderson--who graciously offered to lend us his photo archive of behind-the-scenes photographs from the making of Space Precinct. And boy, what a collection! Ralph personally shot hundreds upon hundreds of photos, and has shared some of the best with us, including his personal notes about the production and the photos.
Photos, we should add, that he had to scan individually to turn them into digital files and send in dozens of "Your Mailbox Has Exceeded Its Size Limit" batches to that we could share them with you. A tremendous amount of work, but a labor of love.
We're posting the photo galleries as quickly as we can, so stay tuned!

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